40 岁的勒布朗·詹姆斯在对阵达拉斯的比赛中以风车扣篮惊艳,展示了他持久的 NBA 统治地位。 At 40, LeBron James wows with a windmill dunk against Dallas, showcasing his enduring NBA dominance.
40 岁的勒布朗·詹姆斯 (LeBron James) 在对阵达拉斯小牛队 (Dallas Mavericks) 的比赛中以一记壮观的风车扣篮展示了他持久的运动能力。 LeBron James, 40, demonstrated his enduring athleticism with a spectacular windmill dunk in a game against the Dallas Mavericks. 在接到马克斯·克里斯蒂的传球后,詹姆斯运球穿过球道,将球转移到他的左手,然后越过 7 英尺 1 英寸的中锋德里克·莱弗利 (Dereck Lively) 将球打进。 After receiving a pass from Max Christie, James dribbled through the lane, switched the ball to his left hand, and slammed it home over 7-foot-1 center Dereck Lively. 这出戏让球迷和队友感到敬畏, 突出显示詹姆斯在22届NBA赛季 继续表现卓越。 The play left fans and teammates in awe, highlighting James' continued excellence in his 22nd NBA season.