印度的NSE将合用同一地点的能力扩大200多个单位,目标是在明年达到1,500个单位。 India's NSE expands co-location capacity by over 200 units, aiming for 1,500 by next year.
印度国家证券交易所(NSE)将其合用设施扩大200多个全Rack Equivalent(FRE)单位,将总能力提高到1 200多个FRE。 The National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India has expanded its co-location facilities by over 200 Full Rack Equivalent (FRE) units, increasing its total capacity to over 1,200 FRE. 这一扩展旨在满足市场需求和加强基础设施。 This expansion aims to meet market demand and enhance infrastructure. 到2025-26年第一季度结束时,国家教育局计划再增加300个FRE单位,使总数达到1 500个。 By the end of the first quarter of 2025-26, NSE plans to add 300 more FRE units, bringing the total to 1,500. 未来两年内,国家空间局打算再增加大约2 000个FRE单位,将Exchange Plaza转换为专门的数据中心。 Over the next two years, NSE aims to add around 2,000 more FRE units, transforming its Exchange Plaza into a dedicated data center.