Grateful Dead 和 Stündenglass 推出了一个新的重力式浸泡器和旅行套装系列,售价分别为 499.95 美元和 599.95 美元。 The Grateful Dead and Stündenglass unveil a new collection of gravity-powered infusers and travel sets priced at $499.95 and $599.95, respectively.
The Grateful Dead 与重力式浸泡器的创造者 Stündenglass 合作,推出了一个名为 Legacy Patchwork 的新系列。 The Grateful Dead has partnered with Stündenglass, creators of gravity-powered infusers, to release a new collection called Legacy Patchwork. 该系列包括一个 infuser 和一个旅行套装,两者都包含 30 多件 Grateful Dead 图像,例如标志性的标志和闪电。 The line includes an infuser and a travel set, both featuring over 30 pieces of Grateful Dead imagery, such as the iconic logo and lightning bolt. 每件物品都因独特性而手工浸透。 Each item is hand-dipped for uniqueness. 使用者费用499.95美元,旅行费用为599.95美元。 The infuser costs $499.95, and the travel set is $599.95. 这是乐队和Stündenglass的第二次合作 This is the second collaboration between the band and Stündenglass.