菲律宾主要的牙科公司GGC赢得重大奖项,并计划扩大牙科旅游。 GGC, Philippines' leading dental firm, wins major awards and plans expansion in dental tourism.
GAOC公司集团(GGC)是菲律宾最大的牙科联合企业,在2024年亚太企业奖中获得3个奖项,包括公司优秀奖。 The GAOC Group of Companies (GGC), the Philippines' largest dental conglomerate, won three awards at the Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards 2024, including the Corporate Excellence Award. GGC的首席执行官Steve Mark Gan博士获得了企业家总奖,新菲律宾因其快速增长而获得认可。 GGC's CEO, Dr. Steve Mark Gan, received the Master Entrepreneur Award, and Novodental Philippines was recognized for its rapid growth. GGC公司包括新达丁和Samura牙科实验室等品牌,计划扩大牙科旅游,投资于先进技术。 GGC, which includes brands like Novodental and Samura Dental Laboratory, plans to expand in dental tourism and invest in advanced technologies.