前荷兰明星 Patrick Kluivert 成为印尼国家足球队的新教练。 Former Dutch star Patrick Kluivert becomes new coach of Indonesia's national football team.
荷兰足球传奇人物Patrick Kluivert被任命为印尼国家男子足球队新教练, 取代韩国教练Shin Tae-yong。 Dutch football legend Patrick Kluivert has been appointed as the new coach of Indonesia's national men's football team, replacing South Korean coach Shin Tae-yong. 这位48岁的前巴塞罗那前签下了为期两年的合同,并将于3月20日在世界杯预选赛中首次与澳大利亚队进行教练首秀. The 48-year-old former Barcelona striker signed a two-year contract and is set to make his coaching debut on March 20 against Australia in World Cup qualifier match. Kluivert旨在领导该队自独立以来首次出席世界杯赛,该队主要由出生在荷兰的归化运动员组成。 Kluivert aims to lead the team, mostly composed of naturalized players born in the Netherlands, to its first World Cup appearance since independence.