东部Idaho公共卫生部解雇了一名雇员,原因是该雇员未经授权查阅了750多份病人记录。 Eastern Idaho Public Health fired an employee for unauthorized access to over 750 patient records.
2022年9月至2024年11月,一名雇员未经授权查阅了750多份病人病历,因此东部Idaho公共卫生部终止了该雇员的职务。 Eastern Idaho Public Health has terminated an employee who unauthorizedly accessed over 750 patient medical records from September 2022 to November 2024. 查阅的记录包括健康筛查、历史和测试结果,但不包括金融和保险的细节。 The accessed records included health screenings, histories, and test results but excluded financial and insurance details. 没有复制任何副本,也没有怀疑恶意意图。 No copies were made, and no malicious intent is suspected. EIPH已通知了受影响的病人,并加强了工作人员培训和记录接触政策。 EIPH has notified affected patients and strengthened staff training and record access policies.