柬埔寨赌场的税收在2024年猛增85%,达到63.1亿美元, Cambodia's casino tax revenue surged 85% to $63.1M in 2024, fueled by foreign gambling.
据柬埔寨商业赌博管理委员会统计, 柬埔寨赌场和赌博业者的税收收入在2024年达到6 310万美元, 比上一年增长85%。 Cambodia's tax revenue from casinos and game of chance operators hit $63.1 million in 2024, an 85% increase from the previous year, according to the Commercial Gambling Management Commission of Cambodia. 该国已经向195个赌场和21个游戏经营者发放了许可证,有些许可证过期或被暂停。 The country has issued licenses to 195 casinos and 21 game operators, with some licenses expired or suspended. 赌场只允许外国人进行赌博,主要设在边境地区和沿海省份Preah Sihanouk,但金边的赌场除外。 Casinos, which only allow foreigners to gamble, are mostly located in border areas and the coastal province of Preah Sihanouk, except for one in Phnom Penh.