澳大利亚和新南威尔士州政府认捐400万澳元,用于更新Gilgandra交叉路口,使重型车辆交通更安全。 Australian and NSW governments pledge $40M to upgrade Gilgandra intersections for safer heavy vehicle traffic.
澳大利亚和新南威尔士州政府已承诺提供4 000万美元,用于更新新南威尔士州吉尔干德拉的四个交叉路口,以提高重型车辆的安全和效率。 The Australian and NSW governments have committed $40 million to upgrade four intersections in Gilgandra, NSW, aimed at improving safety and efficiency for heavy vehicles. 澳大利亚政府将捐款3 200万美元,新南威尔士州提供800万美元。 The Australian government will contribute $32 million, with NSW providing $8 million. 这些升级将允许重型车辆绕道进入,减少其通过市中心的通行。 These upgrades will allow bypass access for heavy vehicles, reducing their passage through the town center. 预计到2025年底,这些计划,包括环境因素审查和概念设计,将可供公众反馈。 The plans, including a Review of Environmental Factors and concept designs, are expected to be available for public feedback by late 2025.