由于公务员工资增长受到忽视,澳大利亚政府面临74亿美元的短缺。 Australian government faces $7.4 billion shortfall due to overlooked public servant wage increases.
由于对公务员工资增长的会计监督,澳大利亚政府面临74亿美元的预算缺口。 The Australian government faces a $7.4 billion budget shortfall due to an oversight in accounting for public servant wage increases. 尽管同意185 000名联邦工人在三年内加薪11.2%,但预算预测没有包括这些费用,假设到2025年中工资增长将停止。 Despite agreeing to a 11.2% pay rise over three years for 185,000 federal workers, the budget projections failed to include these costs, assuming wage growth would cease by mid-2025. 这一差异引发了反对派领导人的批评,质疑政府的经济管理。 This discrepancy has sparked criticism from opposition leaders, questioning the government's economic management. 财务处根据目前的估计数维护预算。 The treasury defends the budget as based on current estimates.