津巴布韦总统不顾退休年龄延长军事首长的任期, Zimbabwe's president extends military chief's term despite retirement age, bolstering his power.
津巴布韦总统埃默森·姆南加格瓦将津巴布韦国防军司令菲利普·瓦莱里奥·西班达将军的任期延长一年,尽管西班达已达到70岁这一法定退休年龄。 Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa extended the term of General Philip Valerio Sibanda, the Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, by one year, despite Sibanda reaching the official retirement age of 70. 这一行动被视为Mnangagwa巩固权力战略的一部分,因为据报道他要求第三次连任。 This move is seen as part of Mnangagwa's strategy to consolidate power, as he reportedly seeks a third term in office. 在政治挑战和继任投机中,这一延伸确保了军事和安全部门的忠诚。 The extension ensures loyalty within the military and security sector amid political challenges and succession speculation.