一名90岁的妇女在赫里福德一个行人交叉口被一辆面包车击中后受重伤。 A 90-year-old woman was severely injured after being hit by a van at a pedestrian crossing in Hereford.
1月6日下午6点20分左右, 一名90岁的妇女在赫里福德Holme Lacy路行人交叉口被一辆面包车撞伤, A 90-year-old woman suffered life-changing injuries after being hit by a van at a pedestrian crossing on Holme Lacy Road in Hereford at around 6:20 PM on January 6. 这辆面包车司机正在协助警方进行调查。 The van driver is assisting police with their investigation. West Mercia警察局正在要求任何持有破摄像头录像或证人证词的人与他们联系。 West Mercia Police are requesting anyone with dashcam footage or witness statements to contact them. 由于该事件,公路交通出现延误。 Traffic on the road experienced delays due to the incident.