WWE SmackDown从预期6月的3小时恢复2小时格式。 WWE SmackDown to revert to a two-hour format from three hours, expected in June.
WWE SmackDown目前运行3小时,根据WWE公司首席内容干事Paul “Triple H” Levesque的说法,它将恢复原来的2小时格式。 WWE SmackDown, currently running for three hours, will revert to its original two-hour format, according to WWE Chief Content Officer Paul "Triple H" Levesque. 预计6月将回调,但确切日期尚未公布。 The switch back is expected in June, though an exact date is yet to be announced. 三H指出,摔跤表演的理想时间为2至3小时,在内容与观众参与之间保持平衡。 Triple H noted that the ideal runtime for wrestling shows is between two and three hours, balancing content with viewer engagement.