华盛顿州启动计划 打击侵入日本的甲虫 威胁当地作物 Washington state launches program to combat invasive Japanese beetles threatening local crops.
华盛顿州农业部正在解决雅基马、本顿和富兰克林县日本甲虫侵入性侵袭,要求17 600名地产所有者参加免费根除方案。 The Washington State Department of Agriculture is tackling an invasive Japanese beetle infestation in Yakima, Benton, and Franklin counties by asking 17,600 property owners to participate in a free eradication program. 甲虫威胁当地植物和作物, The beetles threaten local plants and crops like roses, grapes, and hops. 多年期计划包括用Acelepryn杀虫剂处理院子,这种杀虫剂对人类是安全的,但对甲虫有毒。 The multi-year plan includes treating yards with the insecticide Acelepryn, which is safe for humans but toxic to the beetles. 充分参与对于防止永久甲虫的建立至关重要,因为这可能导致昂贵的检疫和贸易限制。 Full participation is crucial to prevent permanent beetle establishment, which could lead to costly quarantines and trade restrictions.