Warren, MI, Ashley Elkins妈妈失踪; 最后一次在前男友家附近出现; 家人寻求帮助。 Warren, MI, mom Ashley Elkins missing; last seen near ex-boyfriend's home; family seeks help.
Ashley Elkins, 一个来自密歇根州沃伦的30岁母亲, 1月2日因跑腿而失踪。 Ashley Elkins, a 30-year-old mother from Warren, Michigan, went missing on January 2 after running errands. 她的家人和警察正在搜寻她,她的手机是在她前男友在Roseville的住所附近最后一次被查获。 Her family and police are searching for her, and her phone was last detected near her ex-boyfriend's residence in Roseville. 家庭注意到,涉及有色人种的案件往往受到较少重视。 The family has noted that cases involving people of color often receive less attention. 任何掌握情报的人,请与沃伦警察局联系。 Anyone with information is urged to contact the Warren Police Department.