能源总服务公司计划在2025年投资6 190万美元,用于扩展和维护。 Total Energy Services Inc. plans a $61.9 million investment for expansion and maintenance in 2025.
能源总服务公司计划在2025年支出6 190万美元,其中3 430万美元用于扩大业务,例如升级加拿大的钻机,增加北美天然气压缩服务,以及2 760万美元用于维护和重新核证设备。 Total Energy Services Inc. plans to spend $61.9 million in 2025, with $34.3 million for expanding operations, like upgrading drilling rigs in Canada and growing their North American gas compression service, and $27.6 million for maintaining and recertifying equipment. 这笔支出的一部分包括从2024年结转1 660万美元,用于澳大利亚钻机升级。 Part of this spending includes carrying forward $16.6 million from 2024 for rig upgrades in Australia. 该公司将通过其现金储备和业务收入为这笔资金供资。 The company will fund this through its cash reserves and operating income.