Sony在2025年CES展示了一种新的沉浸式游戏体验,其特点是反应式LED墙壁和感官技术。 Sony showcases a new immersive gaming experience at CES 2025, featuring reactive LED walls and sensory tech.
Sony在2025年CES展示了一个新的沉浸式游戏概念,由水晶LED板制成的墙壁实时反应,以及周围的音响、机动和互动气味。 Sony unveiled a new immersive gaming concept at CES 2025, featuring walls made of Crystal LED panels that react in real-time, along with surround sound, haptics, and interactive scents. 使用“我们最后的”来证明,这项技术的目的是加强没有 VR 的赌博浸泡,尽管尚不清楚何时或是否向公众开放。 Demonstrated using "The Last of Us," the technology aims to enhance gaming immersion without VR, though it's unclear when or if it will be available to the public. 由于成本和空间要求,这个概念在主题公园中更有可能出现。 The concept is more likely for theme parks due to cost and space requirements.