拜登总统将 RFK 体育场的场地签署给华盛顿特区,可能是为了建造一个新的华盛顿指挥官体育场。 President Biden signed over RFK Stadium's site to D.C., possibly for a new Washington Commanders stadium.
乔·拜登总统签署了一项法案,将华盛顿特区的肯尼迪体育场的控制权从联邦政府移交给该市长达99年之久。 President Joe Biden signed a bill transferring control of the RFK Stadium site in Washington D.C. from the federal government to the city for 99 years. 这样就可以为华盛顿指挥官建造一个新的体育场,他们从1961年至1996年在那里玩耍,然后搬到马里兰州。 This could allow for the construction of a new stadium for the Washington Commanders, who played there from 1961 to 1996 before moving to Maryland. 虽然该小组目前在马里兰的租约已持续到2027年,但到2030年有可能建造一个新的体育场。 While the team's current lease in Maryland runs through 2027, a new stadium could potentially be built by 2030.