新西兰工会在 217 名员工查看被屏蔽的露骨内容后批评毛利部门。 New Zealand union criticizes Māori department after 217 staff viewed blocked explicit content.
新西兰纳税人联盟披利发展部记录了 217 起工作人员在六个月内访问被屏蔽的露骨材料的情况。 The New Zealand Taxpayers' Union has disclosed that the Ministry of Māori Development recorded 217 instances of staff accessing blocked explicit material over six months. 工会经理詹姆斯·罗斯 (James Ross) 认为,这种对时间和资源的滥用对政府部门人员配备水平的问责制和必要性提出了质疑。 James Ross, a union manager, argues that this misuse of time and resources questions the accountability and necessity of staffing levels in government departments. 他认为这个问题可能在整个政府中普遍存在。 He suggests this issue may be widespread across the government.