微软公司承诺在印度投资3B美元,用于云、人工智能增长和技能开发。 Microsoft pledges $3B investment in India for cloud, AI growth, and skills development.
微软计划在未来两年向印度投资30亿美元, 以扩大其云层和AI基础设施, 包括新数据中心。 Microsoft plans to invest $3 billion in India over the next two years to expand its cloud and AI infrastructure, including new data centers. 该公司的目标是到2030年培训1 000万人掌握人工智能技能,作为其使印度成为AI第一民族的承诺的一部分。 The company aims to train 10 million people in AI skills by 2030 as part of its commitment to making India an AI-first nation. 这项投资由CEO Satya Nadella宣布,还包括计划增强创业能力,促进多个城市的区域发展。 The investment, announced by CEO Satya Nadella, also includes plans to empower startups and foster regional development across multiple cities. 这一举动符合印度的数字转型目标,旨在提升该国的技术生态系统。 This move aligns with India's digital transformation goals and aims to boost the country's tech ecosystem.