洛杉矶公羊队准备与明尼苏达维京人队的第一场季后赛。 The Los Angeles Rams prepare for their first playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings.
洛杉矶公羊队正在为与明尼苏达维京人队的季后赛做准备。 The Los Angeles Rams are gearing up for their playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings. 该团队专注于他们的训练和战略,以确保他们为比赛做好充分准备。 The team is focusing on their training and strategizing to ensure they are well-prepared for the match. 这是公羊队本赛季的第一场季后赛,他们正在努力确保战胜维京人队。 This is the Rams' first playoff game of the season, and they are working hard to secure a victory over the Vikings.