贾斯汀·弗莱彻 (Justin Fletcher) 在 22 年后退出“Something Special”,因为新主持人加入了 CBeebies 节目。 Justin Fletcher steps back from "Something Special" after 22 years, as new hosts join the CBeebies show.
22年后,Justin Fletcher从主办Cbeebies的“特别节目”后退了一步, 但他仍会参与其中。 After 22 years, Justin Fletcher is taking a step back from hosting "Something Special" on CBeebies, but he will still be involved. Maddie Moate, Ben Cajee, George Webster 和George Webster作为新主播加入节目。 Maddie Moate, Ben Cajee, and George Webster are joining the show as new presenters. “特别的东西”帮助有沟通困难的儿童使用马卡顿标志、语言和符号, 在1月13日开始的第14个季节继续提供教育和娱乐内容。 "Something Special," which helps children with communication difficulties using Makaton signs, speech, and symbols, will continue its educational and fun content in its 14th season starting January 13.