德里信息技术研究所在金融、供应链和半导体技术领域启动了三个新的证书方案。 IIT Delhi launches three new certificate programs in finance, supply chain, and semiconductor tech.
德里信息技术研究所与TeamLase Edtech合作推出了三个新的证书方案,目的是提高金融、供应链和半导体技术方面的技能。 IIT Delhi has unveiled three new certificate programs in collaboration with TeamLease Edtech, aimed at enhancing skills in Finance, Supply Chain, and Semiconductor Technology. 这些方案通过现场互动在线会议提供,包括首席财务干事方案、供应链和业务分析执行管理方案和半导体制造和技术执行方案。 Offered through live, interactive online sessions, the programs include the Chief Financial Officer Programme, the Executive Management Programme in Supply Chain and Operations Analytics, and the Executive Programme in Semiconductor Manufacturing and Technology. 这些课程旨在帮助专业人员弥补技能差距,并在各自的领域取得卓越成绩。 These courses are designed to help professionals bridge skill gaps and excel in their fields.