黄金资源公司提供多达1 560万美元的股份,每股0.16美元,目标为2.5亿美元。 Gold Resource Corp. is offering up to 15.6 million shares at $0.16 each, aiming for $2.5M.
黄金资源公司(GORO)正在提供1 560万股的共同股票份额,每股16美元,总收益为250万美元。 Gold Resource Corporation (GORO) is offering up to 15.6 million shares of its common stock at $0.16 per share, targeting $2.5 million in gross proceeds. 报价在经证交会批准的“现成”登记之下,预期在10天内关闭,但须符合标准条件。 The offering is under a "shelf" registration approved by the SEC and is expected to close within 10 days, subject to standard conditions. GORO,列在NYSE American上 是一家在墨西哥和美国经营的金银生产商 GORO, listed on NYSE American, is a gold and silver producer operating in Mexico and the USA.