赌徒在新年在拉斯维加斯赢得106 437美元大奖 赌5美元的空位机赌注 Gambler wins $106,437 jackpot in Las Vegas on New Year's Day with a $5 slot machine bet.
一名拉斯维加斯赌徒在新年开始时大获全胜, 在新年节在Suncoast酒店和赌场赢得106,437美元大奖。 A Las Vegas gambler started the new year with a big win, hitting a $106,437 jackpot at Suncoast Hotel and Casino on New Year's Day. 匿名赢家在清晨五点前 在龙卡机上打了5美元赌 中了大奖 The anonymous winner hit the jackpot by placing a $5 bet on the Dragon Cash slot machine just before 5 a.m. 赌场证实了这次大胜 The casino confirmed the significant win.