前马来西亚总理Najib Razak否认解散1 MDB工作队, 并面临超过23亿美元的25项指控。 Former Malaysian PM Najib Razak denies dissolving 1MDB task force and faces 25 charges over $2.3 billion.
2015年,马来西亚前总理纳吉布·拉扎克在法院下令解散1MDB工作队时遭到拒绝。 Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak denied in court ordering the dissolution of the 1MDB task force in 2015. 他面临25项与挪用和洗钱有关的指控,涉及来自1MDB基金的23亿美元。 He faces 25 charges related to misappropriation and money laundering involving $2.3 billion from the 1MDB fund. Najib声称这些指控是捏造的,工作队的解散并没有影响其他机构正在进行的调查。 Najib claims the allegations are fabricated and that the task force's dissolution did not affect ongoing investigations by other agencies.