佛罗里达州惩戒官Dylan Kennedy因酒后驾车而被捕,因为他与BAC在法定限制问题上撞上了一个标志。 Florida corrections officer Dylan Kennedy arrested for DUI after crashing into a sign with BAC over legal limit.
Dylan Kennedy, 佛罗里达州一名28岁的惩教官员,因酒后驾车和酒后驾车在小区撞上一个标志,造成财产损失而被捕。 Dylan Kennedy, a 28-year-old corrections officer in Florida, was arrested for DUI and DUI with property damage after crashing into a sign in a subdivision. 他的血液酒精含量为0.137和0.139,大大超过0.08的法定限值。 His blood alcohol content was 0.137 and 0.139, well above the legal limit of 0.08. Kennedy承认在派对上喝了五枪 害怕失去工作 Kennedy admitted to drinking five shots at a party and feared losing his job. Polk县警长Grady Judd强调了肯尼迪的行动给社区带来的风险。 Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd highlighted the risk Kennedy's actions posed to the community. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.