Wade Smith博士,Walla Walla学校区自2016年以来的校长,即将下台,为一家教育公司咨询。 Dr. Wade Smith, Walla Walla School District's superintendent since 2016, is stepping down to consult for an educational firm.
Wade Smith博士自2016年以来担任Walla Walla学校区校长,他将在学年结束时下台,与一家教育公司进行磋商。 Dr. Wade Smith, superintendent of the Walla Walla School District since 2016, will step down at the end of the school year to take a consulting role with an educational firm. 在他的领导下,该区取得了重大进步,包括缩小了成就差距,建立了历史纽带,并加强了学生课程。 Under his leadership, the district has seen significant improvements, including closing achievement gaps, passing a historic bond, and enhancing student programs. 该区很快将开始寻找新的督导官。 The district will soon begin the search for a new superintendent.