乡村歌手贝利·齐默曼将于6月6日在印第安纳波利斯开始他的2025年"新乡村巡回演出". Country singer Bailey Zimmerman kicks off his 2025 "New To Country Tour" on June 6 in Indianapolis.
乡村歌手Bailey Zimmerman(Bailey Zimmerman)于6月6日在印第安纳波利斯(Indianapolis)宣布2025年的“新乡村之旅 ” , 9月13日在内华达州Laughlin(Laughlin)结束。 Country singer Bailey Zimmerman announced his 2025 "New To Country Tour," starting June 6 in Indianapolis and ending September 13 in Laughlin, Nevada. 这次参观将以Dylan Marlowe和Drew Baldridge作为辅助活动。 The tour will feature Dylan Marlowe and Drew Baldridge as supporting acts. Zimmerman的前一次巡演已经卖光了 他的初次专辑有近20亿条流 Zimmerman's previous tour sold out, and his debut album has nearly 2 billion streams. 1月10日开售车票 Tickets go on sale January 10. 参观包括几个大型节日的停留。 The tour includes stops at several major festivals.