Bicycle Therapeutics 内部人士出售了股票,尽管该股略高于收益,并保持“适度买入”评级。 Bicycle Therapeutics insiders sold shares, though the stock slightly beat earnings and retains a "Moderate Buy" rating.
CEO Kevin Lee和自行车治疗公司的其他内幕人士最近出售了该公司的股份,减少了他们的所有权。 CEO Kevin Lee and other insiders of Bicycle Therapeutics sold shares of the company recently, reducing their ownership. 该公司报告了股本和净利润负回报,但略低于预期的收入。 The company reported a negative return on equity and net margin but slightly beat earnings expectations. 尽管最近股价下降,但股票的评级为“机动购买”,目标价格为35.25美元,吸引了几个对冲基金和机构投资者的利息。 Despite recent declines, the stock has a "Moderate Buy" rating and a target price of $35.25, attracting interest from several hedge funds and institutional investors.