西非经货共同体为西非学生引入年中复读考试办法,以避免学术延误。 WAEC introduces mid-year exam retakes for West African students to avoid academic delays.
西非考试理事会(WAEC)推出了WASCE PC1,允许学生在2025年1月24日至2月15日期间重新参加WASCE考试,而不是等待下一个考试周期。 The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) has launched WASSCE PC1, allowing students to retake their WASSCE exams from January 24 to February 15, 2025, instead of waiting for the next exam cycle. 2025年1月8日前可在网上办理登记。 Registration is available online until January 8, 2025. WAEC将加快发布详细的反馈报告,以帮助改善学生的成绩,目的是防止学术进展拖延一年之久。 WAEC will expedite the release of detailed feedback reports to help improve student performance, aiming to prevent a year-long delay in academic progress. 取消学业成绩的学生如果没有因渎职而被禁止,也可参加。 Students with cancelled results can also participate if they have not been banned for malpractice.