Newell公路因佩克山附近发生涉及危险材料的卡车火灾而关闭。 Newell Highway closed due to a truck fire near Peak Hill, involving hazardous materials.
Newell高速公路于凌晨三点半左右在Parkes以北的Peak Hill附近发生卡车大火, The Newell Highway was closed in both directions after a truck fire near Peak Hill, north of Parkes, around 3:30 am. 这起大火涉及一辆载有铅酸电池和油桶的卡车,多桶破损。 The fire involved a truck carrying lead acid batteries and oil drums, with several drums rupturing. 应急服务机构正在管理该场地,没有人员受伤的报告。 Emergency services are managing the site, and no injuries were reported. 这条高速公路依然关闭,新南威尔士州 " 现场交通 " 建议采用其他路线,为行程增加约80分钟。 The highway remains closed, and Live Traffic NSW recommends alternative routes, adding about 80 minutes to the journey. 火灾的起因不明。 The cause of the fire is unknown.