担任 ServiceNet 首席执行官 44 年的 Sue Stubbs 在将 ServiceNet 扩展到 1,900 名员工和 100 多个项目后退休。 Sue Stubbs, ServiceNet's CEO for 44 years, retires after expanding it to 1,900 staff and over 100 programs.
在 ServiceNet 工作了 44 年的首席执行官 Sue Stubbs 在马萨诸塞州西部将社会服务从 25 名员工和两个项目扩展到 1,900 多名员工和 100 多个项目后即将退休。 Sue Stubbs, CEO of ServiceNet for 44 years, is retiring after expanding social services from 25 employees and two programs to over 1,900 staff and more than 100 programs across western Massachusetts. ServiceNet 通过整合较小的社区组织发展壮大,提供一系列服务,包括无家可归者收容所和心理健康计划。 ServiceNet grew by integrating smaller community organizations, offering a range of services including homeless shelters and mental health programs. 现任首席运营官 Bruno Calouro 将接任首席执行官一职。 Bruno Calouro, the current COO, will take over as CEO.