参议员舒默(Shoumer)要求联邦出资615M元, 用于在恐怖主义恐惧中加强城市安全。 Senator Schumer pushes for $615M in federal funds to boost urban security amid terrorism fears.
参议员Chuck Schumer(D-N.Y.)主张在联邦预算中增加6.15亿美元,用于加强城市反恐安全。 Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is advocating for $615 million to be added to the federal budget to enhance urban security against terrorism. 这一推动是继最近在新奥尔良和拉斯维加斯发生的攻击事件之后,以及联邦调查局就潜在的模仿者攻击事件发出警告之后。 This push follows recent attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas, and FBI warnings about potential copycat attacks. 这些资金将由联邦紧急多国部队的《城市地区安全倡议》管理,目的是防止、防范和应对恐怖主义行为,确保即将来临的就职典礼等引人注目的活动的安全。 The funds, to be managed by FEMA's Urban Area Security Initiative, aim to prevent, protect against, and respond to terrorist acts, ensuring safety at high-profile events like the upcoming inauguration.