科学家将100多万植物标本数字化, 创建了澳大利亚全国草原档案馆。 Scientists digitize over one million plant specimens, creating Australia's National Herbarium archive.
来自悉尼植物园的科学家完成了一个为期五年的项目,将100多万植物标本数字化,创建了新南威尔士国家草原馆档案库。 Scientists from the Botanic Gardens of Sydney have completed a five-year project to digitize over one million plant specimens, creating the National Herbarium of NSW archive. 这一档案包括詹姆斯·库克1770年航行期间收集的稀有样本和土著画家阿尔伯特·纳马特吉拉提供的物品。 This archive includes rare specimens collected during James Cook's 1770 voyage and items from Indigenous painter Albert Namatjira. 高分辨率图像和数据可在网上查阅,目的是协助研究澳大利亚独特的生物多样性并支持养护努力。 The high-resolution images and data are accessible online, aiming to aid in the study of Australia's unique biodiversity and support conservation efforts.