罗莎・罗斯,一名14岁的癌症幸存者, 赢得了“年度心理突破器” 帮助其他年轻病人。 Rosa Ross, a 14-year-old cancer survivor, wins "Boundary Breaker of the Year" for helping other young patients.
14岁的癌症幸存者Rosa Ross, 在爱丁堡公爵的慈善活动上 被命名为“年度断路器” Rosa Ross, a 14-year-old cancer survivor, was named "Boundary Breaker of the Year" at the Duke of Edinburgh's Award charity event. 尽管她进行了诊断,但Rosa继续颁发爱丁堡公爵奖,为其他年轻的癌症病人组织活动,并用她的理疗课来唱歌,这帮助她的肺部能力。 Despite her diagnosis, Rosa continued her Duke of Edinburgh Award by organizing activities for other young cancer patients and using her physiotherapy sessions to sing, which helped her lung capacity. 颁奖仪式上强调了她的韧性和无私精神。 Her resilience and selflessness were highlighted at the awards ceremony.