尼日利亚Bauchi人民救赎党谴责国家预算, 指控政府腐败及奢侈开支。 Peoples Redemption Party in Bauchi, Nigeria, condemns state budget, accuses it of corruption and luxury spending.
尼日利亚包奇州人民救赎党(PRP)批评该州政府的预算, 指责该州政府腐败及管理不善。 The Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) in Bauchi State, Nigeria, has criticized the state government's budget, accusing it of corruption and mismanagement. PRP强调在诸如摩托车和电脑等奢侈品上的支出,总计数百万奈拉,并要求废除预算。 The PRP highlights spending on luxury items like motorcycles and computers, totaling millions of naira, and demands the budget be repealed. 他们呼吁制定一项更加透明和现实的财政计划,并敦促公民要求其领导人负责。 They call for a more transparent and realistic financial plan and urge citizens to demand accountability from their leaders.