OpenAI的首席执行官宣布向发展超级智能AI的转变, 准备在2025年加入劳动力大军。 OpenAI's CEO announces shift towards developing superintelligent AI, set to join workforce by 2025.
OpenAI的首席执行官Sam Altman宣布,该公司正在把重点从像ChatGPT这样的产品转移到开发超人能力的超智能AI。 OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, announced the company is shifting focus from products like ChatGPT to developing superintelligent AI that could surpass human abilities. 这种先进的人工智能可以加速科学发现,但也带来风险,有可能扰乱工作,需要国际监督以确保安全。 This advanced AI could accelerate scientific discoveries but also poses risks, potentially disrupting jobs and requiring international oversight to ensure safety. Altman预测到2025年AI代理可以加入劳动力大军,改变公司的运作方式。 Altman predicts AI agents could join the workforce by 2025, transforming how companies operate.