尼日利亚的目标是到2025年将非正规工人纳入其社会安全网,扩大覆盖面和减少贫穷。 Nigeria aims to include informal workers in its social safety net by 2025, expanding coverage and reducing poverty.
尼日利亚社会保险信托基金计划到2025年将工匠和贸易商等非正规工人纳入其雇员补偿计划(ECS)。 Nigeria's Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) plans to include informal workers like artisans and traders in its Employees' Compensation Scheme (ECS) by 2025. 此举旨在扩大社会安全网,支持政府减贫目标。 This move aims to expand the social safety net and support the government's goal to reduce poverty. NSITF将调整其业务结构,开展宣传运动,并教育非正规部门的工人如何通过幼儿保育保护他们免受与工作有关的风险。 NSITF will restructure its operations, conduct awareness campaigns, and educate informal sector workers on how ECS can protect them from work-related risks.