一对醉酒的澳大利亚夫妇因扰乱航班和袭击乘客而面临指控。 An intoxicated Australian couple faces charges for disrupting a flight and assaulting a passenger.
一对澳大利亚夫妇,年龄45岁和53岁,因在2024年12月29日从Hobart飞往悉尼的航班上引起骚乱,将面临指控。 An Australian couple, aged 45 and 53, is set to face charges for causing a disturbance on a flight from Hobart to Sydney on December 29, 2024. 据报告,这对夫妇喝醉并饮用未经许可的酒精,导致他们被澳大利亚联邦警察逮捕。 The couple was reportedly intoxicated and consuming unauthorized alcohol, leading to their arrest by the Australian Federal Police. 该妇女还被指控袭击另一名乘客。 The woman is also accused of assaulting another passenger. 他们面临着罚款和可能的监禁。 They face fines and potential imprisonment. 警方增加了巡逻,以防止在假期发生此类事件。 The police have increased patrols to prevent such incidents during the holidays.