Credit Suisse档案中发现的与纳粹有关的隐藏账户引起了对财务透明度的担忧。 Hidden Nazi-linked accounts found in Credit Suisse archives, raising concerns over financial transparency.
财会准则委员会将评价关于非公认会计原则金融措施和研发支出的新规则。 The FASB will evaluate new rules on non-GAAP financial measures and R&D spending. 澳大利亚财富经理Insignia Financial被定为18亿美元的收购目标。 Australian wealth manager Insignia Financial is targeted for a $1.8 billion takeover. Centralview Partners, 一家精品银行, 正在考虑在一年成功后出售股份。 Centerview Partners, a boutique bank, is considering selling a stake after a successful year. 在瑞士信贷银行的档案中发现了隐藏的纳粹相关账户,这些账户未向调查人员报告。 Hidden Nazi-linked accounts were found in Credit Suisse's archives, unreported to investigators. 范妮·梅和弗雷迪·麦克的股票在希望结束美国控制的情况下激增。 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac stocks surged amid hopes of ending U.S. control. 一名亚裔美国人基金经理指控PayPal存在歧视。 An Asian-American fund manager accused PayPal of discrimination. 里士满美联储的Barkin对美国经济依然乐观。 Richmond Fed's Barkin remains optimistic about the U.S. economy. “40条规则”的衡量标准在软件行业受到质疑。 The "Rule of 40" metric is being questioned in the software industry.