GFG联盟的Whealla钢铁厂在四个月停产后重新启动, 刺激当地经济。 GFG Alliance's Whyalla steelworks restart after four-month shutdown, boosting local economy.
GFG联盟在澳大利亚的Whealla钢铁厂在因业务问题中断四个月后已恢复运营。 GFG Alliance's Whyalla steelworks in Australia have resumed operations after a four-month shutdown due to operational issues. 爆炸炉正在再次制造烟雾,这标志着当地经济的一个重要里程碑。 The blast furnace is now producing smoke again, marking a significant milestone for the local economy. Phille Stone市长对工厂恢复生产表示很高兴。 Mayor Phill Stone expressed his happiness at the plant's return to production. 然而,反对派要求邦政府进一步澄清钢铁厂的未来。 However, the opposition is seeking more clarity from the state government on the steelworks' future.