Four Man Ladder Hospitality 计划在芬代尔开设一家快餐休闲餐厅,提供 Grey Ghost 汉堡。 Four Man Ladder Hospitality plans to open a fast-casual restaurant in Ferndale, offering Grey Ghost burgers.
以 Grey Ghost 等底特律餐厅而闻名的 Four Man Ladder Hospitality 计划今年夏天在密歇根州芬代尔开设一家快速休闲店。 Four Man Ladder Hospitality, known for Detroit restaurants like Grey Ghost, plans to open a fast-casual spot in Ferndale, Michigan, this summer. 无名餐厅位于22305 Woodward Ave, 将提供一份菜单, 介绍受欢迎的灰鬼汉堡和其他物品, 主要是外卖品。 Located at 22305 Woodward Ave, the unnamed restaurant will offer a menu featuring the popular Grey Ghost burger and other items, primarily for takeout. 建筑工程将很快开工,计划今后在更多地点施工。 Construction is set to begin soon, with plans for more locations in the future.