一艘渔船在日本翻船,造成两人死亡,三人失踪,15人获救。 A fishing boat capsized off Japan, leaving two dead and three missing; 15 were rescued.
星期一上旬,一艘渔船在日本Ibaraki县的川岛港停泊,造成两人死亡,三人失踪。 A fishing boat capsized off Kashima Port in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, early Monday, resulting in two deaths and three people missing. 这艘船载着20人,包括5名印度尼西亚人,在凌晨2时05分左右翻沉,15人获救,寻找失踪人员的工作仍在继续。 The boat, carrying 20 people, including five Indonesians, capsized around 2:05 a.m. Fifteen people were rescued, and search efforts for the missing continue. 日本海岸警卫队怀疑,由于捕获量大,造成不平衡,可能已导致过度捕捞。 The Japan Coast Guard suspects an imbalance caused by a heavy catch may have led to the capsizing.