Norwich废水处理厂雇员在锅炉事故中受伤;作业未受影响。 Employee injured at Norwich wastewater plant in boiler incident; operations unaffected.
Norwich公共事业废水处理厂的一名雇员在星期日上午发生的锅炉事故中受伤,并被送往Backus医院。 An employee at the Norwich Public Utilities Wastewater Treatment Plant was injured in a boiler incident on Sunday morning and was taken to Backus Hospital. 受伤程度不得而知,但该厂报告对作业没有预期影响。 The extent of the injuries is unknown, but the plant reports no expected impact on operations. 包括国家警察股、警察和消防人员在内的当局正在调查事件起因,预计星期一会收到最新消息。 Authorities, including NPU, police, and firefighters, are investigating the cause of the incident, with updates expected on Monday.