惠灵顿图书馆主办了一次手工艺活动,讲授基本电路,这是其新的STEAM倡议的一部分。 Wellington Library hosted a craft event teaching basic circuits, part of its new STEAM initiative.
加拿大爱德华王子县惠灵顿图书馆分馆于12月28日主办了一个方案,参加者在该方案中用LED制成灯光装饰,学习基本的电路概念。 The Wellington Library Branch in Prince Edward County, Canada, hosted a program on December 28 where participants made light-up decorations with LEDs, learning basic circuit concepts. 该活动旨在介绍初学者STEAM概念。 The event aimed to introduce beginner STEAM concepts. 图书馆还宣布了即将开展的方案,包括1月10日的一场健康澡会和1月21日关于直肠健康的谈话。 The library also announced upcoming programs, including a sound bath session on January 10 and a talk on gut health on January 21.