英国国会议员Robert Jenrick关于“外星人文化”的评论引起人们对可能煽动仇恨的担忧。 UK MP Robert Jenrick's comments on "alien cultures" spark concern over potential incitement to hatred.
鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)的前顾问塞缪尔·卡苏木(Samuel Kasumu)警告说,保守党议员罗伯特·詹里克(Robert Jenrick)最近关于“外来文化”的评论可能会煽动仇恨,并可能导致死亡。 Samuel Kasumu, a former advisor to Boris Johnson, warned that Conservative MP Robert Jenrick's recent comments about "alien cultures" could incite hatred and potentially lead to deaths. Jenrick批评有选择地运用法律打击诱导帮派, 并建议从“外国人文化”中引进人, Jenrick criticized the selective application of laws against grooming gangs and suggested importing people from "alien cultures" has worsened the issue. 有些人认为他的发言具有危险的分裂性,而另一些人则认为这些言论是必要辩论的一部分。 Some view his statements as dangerously divisive, while others argue they are part of a necessary debate.