两名巴西人在德里机场被捕,罪名是企图将价值270万美元的可卡因偷运到印度。 Two Brazilians arrested at Delhi airport for attempting to smuggle $2.7 million worth of cocaine into India.
两名巴西人在德里国际机场被捕,罪名是企图向印度走私将近1.5公斤可卡因,价值约20克鲁塞罗(270万美元)。 Two Brazilians were arrested at Delhi's international airport for attempting to smuggle nearly 1.5 kg of cocaine, valued at around Rs 20 crore ($2.7 million), into India. 这对夫妇是12月24日从圣保罗经巴黎抵达巴黎的,他们承认服用了装满毒品的胶囊。 The couple, who arrived on December 24 from Sao Paulo via Paris, admitted to ingesting drug-filled capsules. 一家医院的医疗程序帮助从男性身上取回105个胶囊,从女性身上取回58个胶囊,其中含有缉获的可卡因总量。 Medical procedures at a hospital helped recover 105 capsules from the male and 58 from the female, containing the total seized cocaine.