俄罗斯部队攻击乌克兰东部城市波克罗夫斯克,切断供应线,面对无人机反击。 Russian forces attack eastern Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk to cut supply lines, facing drone counterattacks.
俄罗斯部队正在攻击乌克兰东部顿涅茨克地区的战略城市波克罗夫斯克,切断乌克兰军队的供应线。 Russian forces are attacking the strategic city of Pokrovsk in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region to cut off supply lines to Ukrainian troops. 占领这一铁路和公路枢纽可能会给乌克兰部队造成困难,并允许俄罗斯推进其前线。 Capturing this rail and road hub could create difficulties for Ukrainian forces and allow Russia to advance its front line. 乌克兰部队正在使用无人机和精准武器对抗俄罗斯的进攻。 Ukrainian troops are using drones and precision weapons to counter the Russian advance. 该市是一座重要煤矿的所在地,战前人口约为60 000人,现在约有11 000名居民仍在冲突之中。 The city, home to a critical coal mine and with a pre-war population of about 60,000, now has around 11,000 residents remaining amid ongoing conflict.