知名桶车手Sammy Thurman Brackenbury和Famer的ProRodeo Hall于12月91日逝世。 Rodeo legend Sammy Thurman Brackenbury, famed barrel racer and ProRodeo Hall of Famer, died in December at 91.
2019年,Sammy Thurman Brackenbury赢得了1965年世界钢管赛锦标赛锦标赛,并于2019年进入ProRodeo名人大厅,2024年12月91岁去世。 Rodeo legend Sammy Thurman Brackenbury, who won the 1965 World Championship in barrel racing and was inducted into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame in 2019, passed away in December 2024 at the age of 91. Brackenbury, 生于亚利桑那州, 有资格参加11次全国决赛, 并开创了她运动中的新技术。 Brackenbury, born in Arizona, qualified for the National Finals Rodeo 11 times and pioneered new techniques in her sport. 她还在电影中做特技演员和动物编织者。 She also worked as a stuntwoman and animal wrangler in films. 她的影响被罗德欧社区庆祝,包括黄石明星福里·J·史密斯. Her impact was celebrated by the rodeo community, including Yellowstone star Forrie J. Smith.