Notch,Minecraft的创造者, 计划一场由Minecraft在民调显示玩家兴趣后 启发的新游戏。 Notch, Minecraft's creator, plans a new game inspired by Minecraft after a poll showed player interest.
Minecraft的创造者Markus “Notch” Persson 计划开发新游戏, 成为Minecraft的精神继承者, 在这次民意测验中, 77%的受访者赞成类似原版的游戏。 Markus "Notch" Persson, the creator of Minecraft, plans to develop a new game that will serve as a spiritual successor to Minecraft, following a poll where 77% of respondents favored a game similar to the original. Notch在2014年将Minecraft卖给微软, 表示新游戏名称和传说将不同, 避免任何法律问题。 Notch, who sold Minecraft to Microsoft in 2014, said the new game will have a different name and lore, avoiding any legal issues. 尽管他离开了Mojang,但诺奇的目标是创造一个能吸引Minecraft风格和机械的游戏. Despite his departure from Mojang, Notch aims to create a game that appeals to fans of Minecraft's style and mechanics.